понеділок, 7 листопада 2016 р.

 Mathilda Nassar Visited the School

The Peace Corps volunteer Mathilda Nassar visited Dubno CS School #5 and observed some lessons today. As she said she had positive firs impression after talking to students and teachers. Mathilda was satisfied with the students' level of English and heir enthusiasm and openess.

неділя, 6 листопада 2016 р.

Welcome to Dubno

The Peace Corps Volunteer came to Dubno yesterday to meet host family, school staff and students of our school. Today, on the 6th of November some English teachers organised for our new friend who will soon start teaching English at school, an excursion to Dubno castle. And the host family invited us for dinner at their place. 

Everyone enjoyed very pleasent day and evening. We are looking forward to meet her at our school to intoduce to students and teachers. 

середа, 26 жовтня 2016 р.

Skype session

 Skype Session

Today, on the October 26 at 16.50. p.m. (Ukrainian time) and 08.50. a.m. (Waterloo, IL, USA time) students of the 7th grades from Dubno Specialized CS #5 and SPPCS from Waterloo had Skype session. Children were able to see and to talk to their penfriends. They discussed similarities and differences comparing the information they had previously got on the emails. 
Everyone got a lot of positive emotions and excitement.
Modern technology helps a lot to build bridges between people from different countries all over the world


понеділок, 2 травня 2016 р.

Four Side Skype Session

On the 13th of April there was a Skype Session among four Schools: Dubno Specialized School #5 (Ukraine), Waterloo SPPCS, IL (USA), St. Anthony's Catholic School, Columbus, TX (USA), Aberdeen, SK, CN (Canada).
Students exchanged the information about traditions connected with celebrating Easter in their regions. They sang folk songs, national anthems and recite poems. Children had a chanse to ask each other some questions. Everyone enjoyed that on-line meeting.

четвер, 7 січня 2016 р.

New Semester and New Friends

Mr. Theobald and his students want to continue our cooperation. But this semester he will teach the new class so after winter holidays the students of 7-A at Dubno School #5 will be introduced to new keypals from SPPCS in Waterloo Illinois, USA.  We are sure this semester's cooperation will be so much interesting and fun as the previous one.